This is the new home for Mac McDougald and

Doogle Digital - Knoxville, TN

I sold the "" domain sometime ago and pretty much retired the biz. Mainly, I just opened this to have a catch-all web home: personalized email, file stash area and whatnot. I might develop it into something over time when I get a round tuit. Or not - I love retirement, don't know how I ever found time to work all those years!

I do have a bunch of odds and ends equipment and whatnot to sell off, so may put a list here for the things that don't immediately go on eBay and elsewhere. Get in touch if you're interested in nifty old stuff like multi-image equipment, film recorders, glass slide mounts, Nikon film cameras, photo clip art libraries, etc.

I still dabble in a couple areas for a bit of the filthy lucre:
  - I might eBay yer stuff on commission if I think it's worth the effort.
  - I might create your web site - admittedly less than state of the art nowadays but possibly quite affordable and effective for your purposes - my latest effort as example.

I did save the McMinn County High Class of 1966 reunions site.

500 Prestwick Ridge Way, #39
Knoxville, TN 37919
(865) 566-6709